Hair Extensions at Destination.U - Hair, Beauty & Day Spa

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Our Hair Extensions are Remy A Grade 100% Human Hair Extensions. Being of a fine smooth nature, they are perfect and blend through ALL types of client hair.

Indian and Asian hair donors are rough in texture and feel quite coarse (this is the cheaper option for this reason).

Ours being Remy European hair means it is much finer, the cuticle layers are kept in the same direction when harvested (remy), which means it is a softer feeling and doesn't not get knotty or matted when well maintained.

Hair that is not advertised as Remy grade means it is picked up off the floor and assembled then manufactured like so. Have you ever tried to put your hair in a pony tail and run your hands up your hair shaft instead of down? You will notice it will tangle easily. When using Remy Hair (hair that is kept in its own natural direction) it will remain tangle free for this reason.

Our proceedure starts with first your hair being washed and deep cleansed. We then blowdry the hair in the same direction and flat iron to ensure each meche of hair is kept in place whilst we apply each section. The process of application only takes 30 minutes! We then will style cut and shape your new luscious hair to perfection, and you will walk out with awesome natural shpe and head turing attention! All together from start to finish will only take 1 1/2 Hours for clients with thick hair, less time if your hair is quite fine! Added bonus! The bonds are so so flat, you wont be able to see them, even in the finest of hair!

The price:

For $699

You will get:
--Full Head of 18” Colour Matched A Grade Remy Pure Human Hair Extensions.
--You hair washed and deep cleansed.
--Designer Blow dry.
--An expert Extension Technician applying your new hair silky soft hair extensions.
--Customised Style Cut.

AND! As a bonus:
FREE -- Specially formulated Shampoo & Conditioner.
FREE -- Exclusive hair brush - designed to look after your extensions. (Perfect for natural hair too!)
FREE -- All Over Colour or Gloss Shine. (Any hair length)
FREE -- Deep Repair Hair Treatment for your natural hair!
FREE -- Make your friends green with envy!

Curious about maintenance?
It will cost $129.
Your hair will need to be re-taped every;
6 weeks (if your hair grows fast) or
8 weeks (if your hair grows an average amount) or
10 weeks (if your hair grows really slow!)

When retaping, we remove all your bonds (takes about 15min), do any refreshing of your colour if you require your colour to be refreshed, if not we still wash and re-cleanse the hair, blowdry and iron then re-apply back up to the root area, this will take about half an hour to re-apply the extensions.

We love this technique of extension because it is so lovely to be able to have the hair taken out and your scalp will feel all freshly washed and blowdried (and your colour application area isnt restricted unlike Microbeads or wax bonds where you have to miss parts of the head where the hair is covered with bonds!).
AND in no time at all, your out the door! Microbeads and similar will take 2 to 3 hours to apply if applied properly, and when needing to have them pushed back up, will easily take 2 hours! You would end up spending 5 hours in the salon just having a colour and extensions! No Thank-YOU!!

Worried about roots needing to be coloured, but your hair doesnt need to be re-taped just yet?
No problems! We can colour your roots easily with this technique (leaving the extension hair in) as there are no messy beads, glue or wax in the way to keep your colour looking as awesome as ever!

Watch this fan page! We will post more information soon!!

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